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Old 10-13-2012, 06:46 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Small town in Northeast Oregon close to Washington and Idaho
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I think I might have come off as being too hard nose on this subject. It's just all the retreats I've been to, over 15, have been gabfests, people walking around looking at what everyone else is working on (my favorite thing to do), sit in a group and take a break and tell stories and laugh, sit and sew for hours and talk, go on walks, groups go to new quilt shops, more talking to new people, more sewing, more visiting, more viewing what people are working on, show and tell, a little sleep, some eating and lots of talking, some walking around the place as a group and visiting, exploring the place we are staying, sewing some more and visiting.

Get it? Mostly visiting!!!! We all sew at home by ourselves. The whole purpose of a retreat is to sew with others and to visit with others and to talk with the others and we do plenty of talking with the others. At every single retreat I've went to, there has been talking, non stop, and people tune it out easily enough and sew away or they listen and sew. But the whole reason to go to a retreat is to be with other quilters.

Not to sit in silence! But to enjoy each other and get to know each other and make good friends and then become good friends forever. Which happens every single year. We have two retreats a year. One in the spring and one in the fall. It holds up to 25 people. We have ironing boards in closets at the retreat there, held for us. This place holds retreats for quite a few quilters and I live in the same town as where the retreat is held. I go and visit the other quilters when they are there and see what they are working on and they are just as warm and are gabbing away just like we do. So, I know they are just like us. So, I figure that's what retreats are about. A group of women quilters getting together to sew and have fun!

Last edited by jcrow; 10-13-2012 at 06:52 AM.
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