Old 10-16-2012, 05:18 PM
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Originally Posted by grayhare View Post
After so many years I think I have gotten use to people not spelling or even calling me by my right name. My name is Anamaria, and even at work I have been asked what do you want to be called? I always tell them Anamaria, that is my name. I have been called Ann, Maryann, Annemarie, Ana, etc. And no one gets the spelling correct, I have 4 name badges, all with a different spelling. The one name that I always makes me stop and look is "mom" out of habit. When the 3 kids were small, I even thought my name was "Mom"
Anamaria, that is funny - the Mom thing! I think we all have done that - even after you are a grandmother - when someone yells Mom we all turn around! Wait tell you are a grandmother! Everywhere I go I hear Gramma! I always think it is for me!

Well Nancy is pretty hard to mess up. I have never been called anything but Nancy, although, sometimes people want to spell it with an 'i' or an 'ie.' Well sometimes people want to call me 'Nanc' even my brothers do that - so I don't mind!


Last edited by BoJangles; 10-16-2012 at 05:20 PM.
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