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Old 10-20-2012, 06:58 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Minnesota, USA
Posts: 396

I figured out the timing for my New Home Light Running treadle today. It didn't have a bobbin case when I got it, so I really didn't know if it would ever sew. It was locked up when I got it. The rods and bushings in the bottom of the machine were not moving. After taking it apart and soaking the parts in PB Blaster, I put it back together.

Using a picture I took before I took it apart, I adjusted the bobbin "spinner". It took a little tinkering, but it is now sewing. It still needs a proper belt, but it's working. I have a rope in place of a leather belt and it slips a bit, but it's working well enough to try it out. I'm so surprised that I was actually able to get it to work. I had serious doubts for this machine for such a long time.
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