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Old 11-20-2012, 02:56 PM
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Cashmere WA
Posts: 16

I love doing Bargello quilts. My first quilt was a Bargello, I didn't know I was suppose to be afraid of them. Here is what I did. I didn't have a place for a design wall so I covered a child's easel with flannel and sat it near my sewing machine. It is a must because you can see your strips and detect a mistake right away and correct it before you get to far into your quilt. I copied the instructions so I wouldn't ruin the original pattern. I took a piece of heavy cardboard and pinned a piece of each kind of fabric and numbered then with a sticky note. My pattern had 12 different colors. I propped the cardboard up so I could see at a glance which color was what I needed. I cut and sewed the strips as directed. When I began to actually make the pattern, I did the first step, marked it off the directions, went to the next step and marked it off as I went. This was very helpful to me because I found out I would forget which step I was working on if I didn't mark it off. As the pattern starts to begin to show you can see at a glance on the design wall if you have a piece wrong side out or the wrong number. Oh yes, you will probably figure this out on your own but it took me a bit to realize I had to take some of the strips apart to get the right sequence of numbers in order.
Just dig in you will love it. I do.
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