Thread: Hi from Texas!
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Old 11-29-2012, 08:28 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: CA
Posts: 391

Welcome from Calif.!
We have a lot in husband & I built 3 houses (on acreage each time), and never seem to have a time when we are not remodeling something. We have been remodeling our current house for 12 years...added a 2nd floor, outbuildings, and many built-ins. Love to hear how your remodel goes; pics too.

I too own many vintage machines that just called out to come home with me. I have a Singer featherweight, a 301, 401, 404, 60's Golden Touch n sew, 80's Athena, 90's Futura, a Janome Coverstitch, 4-thread serger, and my Viking Platinum 950. The 60's to 80's machines are hand-me-downs from mother. I'm looking for an embroidery machine and used longarm to round out the bunch. I have a great sewing studio in our shop outbuilding, and although well insulated is not heated/cooled. It's not bad, as we live where it's fairly mild, and never freezes. But, I'm gonna fix that this year. If you are to inherit the outbuilding for your studio, and it isn't conditioned, I recommend looking at the "mini-split heat pumps" for heating and AC. They are highly efficient, partly because there is no ductwork, but they do need to be planned for in a wall space. They have a built-in thermostat with a remote control; should you happen to want to put it high on a wall. They are quiet, and do not install in a window, but are permanent.

I home-schooled the youngest of my 3, as she begged to try it. We had a great few years from 3rd-5th grades. We all used to laugh about the "home" in home-school, since we were on the road all the time taking classes. She was allowed up to 5 extra classes that they paid for directly; choices were very broad including instrumental music, choir, sewing, horseback, gymnastics, and dance. She kept me very busy. I stayed with the same curriculum as our local schools (my choice), so the transition would be easier if/when she decided to go back. She was ahead when she went back in 6th grade. We had a great relationship and never had any arguments over schoolwork, practices or getting things done. It may not be that way with all kids though, but she was motivated, as it was her desire to do it. In our area, we got no money nor paid any money to participate in the Home-school charter program, and had monthly advising from certified teachers, with master degrees. You probably already know, but PM me if you want links to great online resources for your kids.

Lastly, thank your husband for his service to our country, and thank you for supporting all of them with your efforts!
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