Old 12-17-2012, 05:14 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Mar 2011
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This November/December I'd say about 95% of the machines I've sold have been bought by men. Men are actually sewing. Several were very shy about it - some are boldly saying hey I WANT to learn to sew can you show me how. Some already have a business going and want another machine. Some are buying for a sister or mother or daughter or wife to have a business. They are very specific what they want, too. They have researched. Today I advertised a machine and a man came right quick to see it. His jaw dropped when he walked in my little shop. He was as awestruck as a kid in a candy store. He had to check them ALL out. He settled on the turquoise Brother 190 Flairmatic. He had a massive crush on the pink and gray Fabri-matic, too. He owns a vintage car shop. He was mentally matching up cars and machines. The real reason he came is because he sent out some upholstery work 2 years ago and it isn't back yet. He wants to figure out how to do his own upholstery work. I spent quite a bit of time showing him how to thread the machine, wind a bobbin, put it in the case - etc. He LOVED it. He said his wife has a two year old plastic wonder and it is junk already. I told him the old sewing machines were made just the same - the good ones are old. It is SSSSOOOOOO cool when someone 'gets it' Then I showed him the stuff in the back of the shop - the old Japanese machines - he totally drooled. He went nuts. When he left he said he would be back. OH and he knows what car my brother in law shows - couldn't think of BILs name though LOL they park next to each other because they both have Tbirds.
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