Old 12-29-2012, 12:07 PM
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Unhappy Any help please, Brother PC-420 stopped working, ideas???

Hi all,
Well sewing along on blankets for Christmas when my PC-420 did the ole 4 beeps, stop, and jam...it showed error code: The safety device has been activated. Well, hubby (who is mechanical and has fixed machines for me before) and I have taken everything apart, and cannot find any thread or anything that seems to have "jammed" the machine. We cleaned it all, put it back together, I went to try it again, and bam, same problem...I am the one who took out the bobbin case and the parts around it...as I was doing it I said "I should take a pic of this to remember how it goes back."...well, I didn't, and now I am wondering if part of it is in wrong...
What seems to be happening is when we turn the hand wheel the needle comes down and is hitting on the bobbin shuttle/case...so either I put something on wrong, or maybe timing can knock it off??
Is there any of you who have this machine and can maybe take a pic of the bobbin area with the cover removed? So we can see down in and make sure I put the bobbin holder stuff back in right? I have googled pics, and can't find one with the bobbin cover off and the bobbin out so we can get a good look...ANY help is appreciated!!
Lastly, I am fixing to be purchasing another machine anyways, but love this machine...so hope I can get it working. Repairmen in our area charge $75.00 just to look at it...
Regards all,
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