Old 01-01-2013, 08:57 AM
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Location: Cadillac, MI
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Okay, my new habit will be a tough one for me. I will read a magazine through and pass it on. I will not add it to my paper clutter. My cluttered bedroom leads to a body cluttered with fat. Getting rid of the current problem is a separate issue. BTW, I have a lead foot, too. I have learned to drive no more than 5 or 6 mph over the speed limit and for now I can live with that. A ticket for 10 over would be too many yards of fabric.

I haven't made my New Year's resolutions yet, but I know what's on top of the list, and unlike most Americans, it's not to lose weight. I will think of them while I sew today and print them out this evening.

What to eat today? I am eating from my freezers now. Not because of a monetary issue, but because they are cluttered, too. It's too late to thaw pork for a favored crockpot dish, so I'm thinking chicken. The chicken, rice and black beans mixture I found in the freezer yesterday was delicious. I'll have to remember what I used for seasoning - low sodium taco, I would guess.

No diet soda here. If I were to drink anything like that, I'd have a smaller amount of sugared rather than diet. For me it's a non issue as I can't have Nutrasweet, but for others, I'd look into the research that says diet soda upsets your insulin levels and makes you hungier. The sweet taste triggers a release of insulin to deal with the sugar that's coming. The sugar doesn't come so the insulin wrecks havoc on your body rather than digesting sugar. Interesting concept for soda drinkers to consider. I don't drink any (almost) because of osteoporosis, which is now better and I want it stay that way. I had half a Coke on Christmas. Several of my children were shocked as they haven't seen that since 1994.

Off to take a bath, quilt and clean my computer desk. That's enough for today. A Health magazine came in the mail - I don't subscribe - so I need to finish it and pass it on. Lots of good information in there. I will weigh myself after my bath and write it on the calendar (small). I will also write a big, colorful, projected weight loss number. I'll decide what that will be after I see my current weight.

I am losing weight and getting healthier.
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