Old 01-04-2013, 05:11 PM
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Location: The Great State of Texas
Posts: 168

Hold up the train! *pant pant* You got room for one more on there?

Just saw this thread in a link from another thread. I love a good mystery; I love scrappy quilts--looked like this was right up my alley--or, er, down my track, so to speak.

As it turns out, this one fits with me particularly well. Part of my "cleaning up after finishing a quilt" routine involves a scrap-cutting system, inspired by the Bonnie Hunter system for the most part. If the scrap is big enough, I refold it, but most of the "leftovers" get cut up: starting with the biggest pieces I can get from the scrap, moving down to the smallest. I take a nickel or two (I have lots of nickels now that I've never used, but hey, I have the books!), then I take 4 1/2" strips (I get some really long ones from backing scraps), then 2 1/2" strips, then 2", then 1.5". Any strips too small or uneven go into my string pile.

So, for this project, it was a snap to break out my 4 1/2" strips and start cutting squares and rectangles. It was like a trip down the Memory Lane of Quilts Past...and the sad (or fortunate?) thing is that when I was done I had made scarsely a dent in my 4 1/2" strip stockpile.

SO, without further ado, and as I pass out some mulled wine to make up for holding up the train, here are my blocks for Part One. Can't wait to see what develops!

(Yes, I have an...addiction to novelty prints. Hope that won't be an impediment...)

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