Old 01-08-2013, 06:22 AM
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Colorado
Posts: 3,536

Well I KNOW neither of them are me, because I have 4 furbabies all are cats,
and my state does NOT end in "A" (mine ends in O).

Darn guess I need to watch for more clues.

What is your weather like over there in Scotland?
It is supposed to be in the upper 40's to mid 50's today. But the weather people
say that we have another cold front moving our way (YUCK).

Originally Posted by Knitette
They're on their way!

My first SP lives in a state that ends in 'A'. We both hate the same colour (pity you don't know what mine is ). You're looking for the same fabric colour as me (shame about that too ). You have a fluffy furbaby, but it's not a cat. Your zip adds to 29.

My second SP lives in a state that ends in 'A' (who knew there were so many ). You like the colour I hate (if only.........). You like two things that fly. You have a furbaby, out there........
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