Old 01-16-2013, 11:47 AM
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Where is everyone hiding? I know I wanted to hid under the covers yesterday with the snow and ice on the roads here in Dallas. Most people don't know how to drive on the road.

I will be making 2 more of the quilt from the scrappy mystery train ride. Have 2 people trying to claim them and they are men. So I am going to look through some of my other fabric scraps to see what I have that will be good scrappy quilts for men. And everything I use will be from my stash. Dont even need to buy batting. I have been buying it when it has been on sale at Joann's over the last year.

SO what are you doing to stay motivated to lose weight or start a new project or are you working on UFO's/WIP's????

Before I start these 2 quilts I have 2 t-shirt quilts I need to finish. UGH I am not having fun with these t-shirt quilts.
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