Old 01-21-2013, 04:37 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 401

I'm a day late! I really needed the boost, too. I have a Christmas (yes, Christmas!) quilt that needs binding and I have just been completely unmotivated to go work on it because my machine messed up (my fault - knew she's picky when anything changes and I forgot to check) and I had to pick out half a quilt's worth of quilting. Soured me on this particular quilt. Can anyone relate? And then I have an old Singer Touch n Sew machine in a cabinet that my cousin's 11yo daughter wants and I finally dug it out of my quilt room and got it in my truck to take it to her - 2 hours away - and all the junk that was stored under it is tumbled out on the floor. :-/ I'm gonna pick myself up, dust myself off and force myself to work on the room and quilt...today...maybe, lol.
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