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Old 01-23-2013, 06:19 PM
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Originally Posted by sewplease View Post
Ashley, just what do you have? I've often wondered about getting an industrial for the harp space. Laura
Laura, I got this machine from this company, but I got it from ebay. It was 20% off and free shipping. I ordered it the Saturday (night) before Thanksgiving and it arrived on my doorstep (3 boxes) 10 days later! There was a piece that was broken and the machine head had to be returned and that seemed to take much longer than we thought to get the replacement (almost a month by then!!) but all's well that ends well!
It is pretty much the same as a Juki 8700; and I got the idea (or the "ok") from Leah Day's site.. in the comments of one of her articles.
Down side is.. it's my puppy and my problem when something goes wrong. It weighs a gazillion pounds and my local guy was NO help at all when I was asking if he could get me one, so I assume he's NO help at all if I need repairs.
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