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Old 01-27-2013, 08:37 AM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Beautiful Damascus, Oregon
Posts: 6
Question pattern

[QUOTE=katesnanna;5778232] As I explained I didn't have a pattern. I had seen a pic and just drew my own pattern.QUOTE]

katesnanna..... just wondering.... is there a chance this is a copyright pattern? I am looking for ideas for our guild block of the month Lotto blocks for next year... This would be perfect! but I can't use it if it might be a printed pattern w/o getting permissions.....

If not a copyright pattern, would you mind if i used it and gave you credit for posting instructions on the internet?

Thanks.... this is such a great pattern... and it looks like no two seams butt up against each other when sewn into rows..... (really great when more than one person is making blocks).

More often than not... the person who wins our lotto blocks turns them into one of our 2000+ comfort quilts we give to our community each year. The scrappier the better!
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