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Old 01-27-2013, 09:55 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Florida
Posts: 3,830

If it's serious and you're "overwhelmed" is really "I have no control", Go to therapy.
Have a glass of wine.
Ask a friend over to quilt with you.
Walk out and close the door.
Go to "Fabriholics Annymous.

Take out 1 project you'd really LIKE to work on. When I was working, quilting was my therapy, so I stress LIKE, not MUST. Give yourself permission to say NO to pressure to work on something else. Then bag up or box up other projects that are overwhelming and store somewhere else (attic, garage, basement). Put sheets over the fabric stash. Out of sight, out of mind.
When you finish one project, go onto another you'd LIKE to do. If you find something that no longer holds you're interest, get rid of it, sell it or give it away. Many guilds have auctions or swap nights.
Let quilting rejeuvenate you, not drain you. When you're happy to be in there again, maybe you'll feel like straightening.
Be nice to yourself.
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