Old 01-29-2013, 12:53 PM
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Texas
Posts: 4

cwessel, I have your solution to sorting greens. To handle this color you must break it down into its components. Green is a secondary color, ie. it is made up of two primary colors--yellow and blue. Divide your stash greens into blues, yellows and a few true greens. Done, easy! This also provides you with ease of matching to other colors.Choose yellow with yellow, blue with blue, and so on. Simple.Of course then we get into using complementary colors, red and green(opposites on the color wheel--and I strongly recommend that you get a standard artist's color wheel, if you don't already have one. It makes color matching easy.) And that is a whole nother lesson in color theory!
All that said, green is a color of poor reputation. It is the color of envy, a sin. It is also the color of war and violence--soldiers wear green to be concealed. Think of Sherwood forest and Robin Hood. It is a hue that tends to set off bad vibes in viewers. Every public school and hospital used to be painted that awful shade of green, remember? A bad choice psychologically. I too have a fondness for deep greens and have a huge collection of them. And almost never use them because people just don't want them. I've been considering pairing the greens with other colors to make them read more friendly. End of lesson, I'll go now!
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