Old 02-03-2013, 05:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Quilty-Louise View Post
qn4e - yeah we would clean the upper and lower "needle" area on
a regular basis.

I just got to where sometimes you could brew 1 cup of coffee and
work on the machine (until said cup of coffee was cold) just to get
it to working again.

This morning it took me 40 minutes of removing the reservoir washing,
scrubbing, and doing every "trick" the manual and website talked about
doing. When I got it to work again I had to put my cup of coffee in the
nuker to heat it up again. TIm never did get his cup of coffee he was "out
of the mood" to drink any at this point.

We didn't even have it for 2 months yet and it was the "Platinum" B70
model (not the low end model either).
B70 is the very one they have had problems with. Don't give up on it. Also when you descale leave the vinegar in it over night or for several hours and like others have said use the paperclip to get those holes unplugged.
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