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Old 02-05-2013, 11:29 PM
Chasing Hawk
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Originally Posted by COYOTEMAGIC
Scrapple is everything but the Oink! I think it's bigger in the Northeast than any place else. I can't gag it down.

All that popped into my head was the Spam Lamb from an episode of M*A*S*H My father likes fried Spam. It's the only thing I hated about camping trips. I knew that one morning we were going to have fried Spam and there was going to be a big argument as I gagged on that too.

However strange it may be, I DO like Deviled Spam. Comes in a little short round can. There are a couple other brands that call it "potted meat" I think it's good for a quick sandwich on wheat bread, a slather of mayo and could slices of 'mater. YUM!!!!
I love that stuff...LOL A can or two of it and some fresh sliced bread and I am a happy camper. Sadly I can't find it here where I live. Now Spam, reminds me a of congealed science
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