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Old 02-06-2013, 04:27 PM
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Join Date: May 2008
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Homemade scrapple

This is a scaled down version that I make at home. I've made it with broth made from a pig's head, assorted meaty pork bones and even from a roast turkey carcass.

5 cups pork or turkey broth
2 cups. (approx.) cooked pork or turkey meat, ground or finely chopped
2 t. salt
1 t. black pepper or more to taste
2 t. ground sage
1/2 t. marjoram
1 T. dried minced onion (for turkey)
1-1/2 cups cornmeal

I usually make this from leftovers, either a bone-in pork roast, like a picnic shoulder, or from a turkey carcass. for that authentic Delaware taste, you might want to use a pork heart or a bit of pork liver as part of your meat.

Simmer ingredients, except cornmeal, together in heavy bottomed pot until onion is tender. Bring to a boil. If you are using pork, I like to leave a thin layer, 1/8" or so, of fat on the broth to help it fry better. Moisten cornmeal with just enough cold water to make it feel like wet sand. Add moistened cornmeal to the boiling broth. Turn heat down and stir continuously for 'a long time'. Be careful, the mixture will be like boiling lava, and it can splatter and burn the unsuspecting. You want the mixture to start to pull away from the sides of the pan. Pour into ungreased loaf pans and let cool overnight. To serve, cut into slices and fry in oil until crisp. You can either slice this thick or thin If sliced thin, the whole thing will be crisp. If thick, there will be a crisp outside crust with a creamy moist inside.

This will make 2 loaf pans worth. It can be sliced and frozen, though you'll want to pat it dry with paper towels before frying it.

BTW: I am not the I above. I have never made it but someday......
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