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Old 03-01-2013, 04:31 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: las vegas nv.
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Originally Posted by Coloradowest
I bought no material last month. (Jan)
I have bought no material this month (Feb).
I am still working on the same quilt top.
Flu in mid-Dec and trip to ER took me a month to get over it.
Trying to walk a mile 5 days a week at the rec center.
Too much snow and cold to do it out side.
Still paying co-pays for the trip to ER. Med Ins covered most all of it.
Will go to city in March for Dr appt and will get to Walmart.
Not planning to buy any material but of course I will look.
I will have to figure out how many yards for this top and the backing.
Oh Coloradowest-after all that I wouldn't blame you if you went shopping-so extra cudoes to you. Hope u r feeling better from the nasty flu.
Ladydeluxe-oooh a thread collection-what did u get? I am slowly educating myself on which thread to use for certain projects. I am a just grab it kinda gal, if the color works then I should be good to
QuiltMomma-of course we wouldn't expect you return the wrong fabric-surely it can be used for something, beside you personally didn't buy it, so I don't think it counts-right?
DustysMomma-anxious to see what you decide on for fabric storage, will you please share?

I have a friend coming to visit for two weeks, lets see if I can stay on my no buy & stick to getting UFO's done.
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