Old 03-12-2013, 04:41 AM
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Kiffie, try the quilting by machine. stitch in the ditch, then fmq. or just go slow real slow and you can do it fmq. Once you start you will realize how FAST it is, especially on something smaller like this. zoom zoom zoom

Jaba, that still is pretty daisey fabric. no name on the end? ahhhh!! super pretty. Its happy fabric that is what it is. Mary love your sneak peak can't wait to see the whole peak!! oh wait thats not a peak that is a TADA!

Binding is not the most fun part of any quilt. Sewing it on? easy. getting those corners square.. well I think it could be easier than it is but I for one gave up on getting that right and go for its done! I still can not get that totally blind stitch on the back like you do Jaba. I tried putting that needle deep into the batting like you said, I take a tiny piece up into the very edge of the binding and back straight down and under into the batting and up tiny piece of edge and what shows is that well you have seen it.. stitch on the very edge no matter how small it is. One day but for now it holds the binding down nicely, will hold through a wash and well.. its better than it was a year ago is all I can say. Today I hope to unveil my two finished quilts. I am taking my ruby's boom quilt to clinic and if I can do it will do the whole binding today before my hands cramp. cramping is part of the joy of dialysis yipppeee! sheesh right? worst are the ankle cramps, my foot has this thing where it starts twising to the side and up at an angle it has never before seen. A nurse massaging the ankle trying to force it straight to help reduce the cramp I am at that moment not feeling very lady like and its not a pretty site. Oh the language that whispers out of these lips that I eat with. yikes. And the best part is you get about.. 15 seconds from oh no its going to cramp to full blown if it bends up any more sideways like that it will snap off.. yeah. Sorry just remembered it happened on Sat. crossing fingers it skips today. got a quilt to finish. no time for that boloney!
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