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Old 03-14-2013, 05:14 PM
Traditional Quilter
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Virginia
Posts: 125

I was in Oahu in the late 1990's and early 2000's. At that time the Bishop Museum had quilts exhibited in various settings -- just gorgeous. Also, there was the late Debbie (can't remember her last name) who designed Hawaiian Quilts. She held Hawaiian quilting classes at the museum. My last knowledge is that her granddaughter was keeping up the tradition. You might check all this out to see if all this still exists -- it was 13 years ago when I was there. My regret is that I didn't get a pattern cut by Debbie when I was there. When I first learned about her she would cut a king size hawaiian pattern and baste it for you for $200 and you provide the material. At the time I just didn't feel I could afford it. Well, my last trip I saved and planned to do it only to find out that Debbie had retired. While I'm sure her granddaughter was very good, it just wouldn't have been the same. Debbie might cut hundreds of Bread Fruit patterns, but each would be an original because she cut it like a snow flake free handed. Anyway google or do as PaperPrincess suggests. I promise you, you will be blown away with the Hawaiian quilts. They are works of art.
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