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Old 03-27-2013, 07:06 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Ontario, Canada
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ITA with the others that your boss is taking your generosity a little far!
And yes ITA, aren't the kids supposed to MAKE the presents?
I hope that the "offer" included paying for ALL your supplies!

Tartan's is a good idea ... just sew plain muslin Mug Rugs, and let the kids do the decorating. And perhaps instead of you doing ALL the work, you could enlist the help of ALL the staff, in a good ol' fashioned Quilting Bee assembly line!

Though with pre-school, can you have them work in something that would be washable? Perhaps using crayons? ... and then you AND ALL staff work together to finish them off.

hhmmmm ... I bet if you force the group effort, the idea will fizzle out ... or at least will not be requested another time, once they have done it this time. And who knows, perhaps the group will have FUN doing it together, then it will be a most worthwhile group effort from the staff to the parents ... with the kids help!
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