Old 03-29-2013, 06:18 AM
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Join Date: May 2012
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I like the way Alienquilter miters her corners (Post No. 32.) I've done that, and it makes perfect corners.
But I haven't seen a reference to sewing on the front, turning to the back and then stitching in the ditch from the front. I used to do that with pins, but since I found School Glue, that works so much faster, easier and better. The important thing is to press the seam open very well after the binding is sewn onto the front. You want to see very well into the "ditch" into which you will be stitching. Then I glue the binding onto the back, making sure the edge is covering the stitching. Corners get glued, too, just use a little more glue. When the glue has been ironed dry, turn it over and stitch away. I can have a binding finished in a few hours.
I find the glue is easier to apply if it is diluted. About half and half with water will do it. That makes it easier on the hands to squeeze it out.
I also feel like I'm giving away my children when I give away quilts, but it's not so bad when I give them to my children and grandchildren, now numbering 43 with spouses.
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