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Old 04-15-2013, 06:02 AM
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Posts: 99

Originally Posted by romanojg View Post
If you or someone you know have software you may be able to do it there. I have 5D Pro and log all of my threads into my thread manager and then I can have the software show me what it looks like stitched out. It really does make a difference when working with varigated thread, especially if you are doing a curved designed or a straight one; totally changes the look. I always pull it into my software before stitching out so I will know what I'm getting. I haven't seen a chart online that allows you to see what it looks like stitched out but like I said, it will be different depending on it it's a straight line or curved.
Hi Judy,

I don't have software like that or know anyone who does. I was hoping to see before I buy. Thanks for the tip though, I hadn't thought about the thread looking different if it is stitched straight or curved.

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