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Old 04-15-2013, 07:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Micha View Post
Hi Judy,

I don't have software like that or know anyone who does. I was hoping to see before I buy. Thanks for the tip though, I hadn't thought about the thread looking different if it is stitched straight or curved.

there is a big difference in how it's stitched out. If it's on a straight line, like around the outside of a picture frame you'll get the colors in the sequence that they come off the spool, one right after the other and then it'll repeat. When it's doing a design, it'll depend on how it fills if it goes back and forth or not. I don't have any Sulky Varigated or I'd show you. I'm at work so I can't even do it using one of my other varigated brands. Knowing this has kept me using it sometimes and encouraged me other times depending on the stitchout. You'd think thread charts of all types would be more available and be free. Most of the times when you see them they are costly but it would actually sell more thread for the companies because you'd know what you have and what's available. That is why I started putting all of my thread colors in my Thread Manager and then I can print it out and take it to the store with me and I know what I need. Good luck on your search.
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