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Old 04-24-2013, 03:19 AM
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Location: my heart is in texas, philly and london
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well. my tropical runner morphed into my summer runner. so i have to re-think, altho' the really neat pattern that i had (do you remember what safe place you put it in, brat? was afraid of that!) well, i can't remember either but i know which part of the room to look in, at least. it looks really cool and i'm really amped to try it! i finished coyote's quilt and 3 needle cases , 2/4s of lynnie's mugrug, and 2 halves of pincushions ( would you believe it two different ones) AND MY BACKDOOR NEIGHBOR AND I JUST MET OVER THE FALLEN DOWN BACK FENCE THAT MY DOG KEEPS TEARING DOWN, THANKS TO SANDY ALSO. HE'S EVEN MORE FRUSTRATED THAN I AM! I KEEP POOR KITTEN IN WITH ME ALL NIGHT , ON A LEASH! SINCE WE HAVE A DOG DOOR THAT OUR CATS USE ALSO no. i'm not yelling, my hand hit the key for caps. ironic where it came out. maybe i should be shouting. anyway, i'm too tired tu re-type. sorry. anyway, this guy as it turns out is a contractor and he's willing to put up the pieces that affect his yard. after we'd talked for awhile he's going to do something for now and give us a price on the rest of the fence. we both want the same kind, which is lucky. he thinks the pool may be beyond saving but we'll see. i don't mind a new one as long as i have one to float in, and a little swimming. it really does help my fibro. well, after talking to him for a good half hour, while holding 25lb kitten (she slipped her collar off to go back and play, unh unh! no no no!) so monkey has her halter on and is being pretty good, but sees this as a chance to make a new friend-- future source of cookies, she's thinking. and up all night sewing, etc, i am ready to curl into a cold, wet, muddy,doggy breath lump and get some sleep. got a lot done. will sort out the runner fabric later--too late to do it earlier! good night!
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