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Old 05-11-2013, 05:52 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 110
Default I need help please

Ok, The Quilters' Guild of Arlington Quilt show has come and gone. I would really like to thank all of you who assisted me with my quilt entries in this show. My Folklorio Star Quilt did not win any ribbons. The judges comments were:
My precisison of work was Satisfactory
My quilting stictch needs improvement
My striped binding is a good design choice
Excellent intergration of difficult colors. Ambitious project.

While I knew this quilt was not perfect, it was perfect for me. I love the quilt and I love quilting. Entering it into the show was fun and something I enjoyed every much. The judges comments were helpful and will be put to good use. I entered a total of 5 quilts. Only one quilt won a ribbon. It was "Gwendy's Dahlia Quilt", for our daughter who lives in Washington who has the most beautiful dahlia garden. This quilt won a second place ribbon. The picture has me and my mom who just turned 87. It was a great day and a great show. I posted all the quilts that I entered. Off to the sewing room to get started on next years show.

Ok so I am electronically challenged tonight. None of the picture would attached. I will try again in the morning.

Again, thank all of you for your kind words and encouragement. May God bless you all.
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