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Old 06-02-2013, 03:43 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Northern Michigan
Posts: 12,861

there is no such thing as 'too much fabric' unless you can not use what you have- just stuff it in boxes in the attic or basement (hoarder) and never part with any...I have (literally probably a ton of fabric) I am in it all the time- when any of my family, quilty friends, crafty people come by & see something they want, need, love I have no problem sharing-as long as it is on the shelves it is 'free game' for anyone who has a use for it- if I am in a current project the fabrics I need are out- anything else they can help them selves to- only rule---they have to use it- not waste daughter, sister, granddaughter's & nephew all love (shopping) in my sewing room.
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