Old 06-09-2013, 02:24 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Some where in way out West Texas
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In Aug of this year we will celebrate our 43rd Aniv. When we married our vows said for better or for worse. There have been a lot of both over the years. Better I could have hunted around and perhaps found a multimillionaire, but worse, would I have loved him or vice versa like I love DH. Worse he could have found and married a raving beauty, but Better he chose me. He likes electronics and spends whatever he wants, sometimes I get irritated at that but Worse he could be out at bars or chasing other women,but he has always been at home when not at work. Better he never says a word about what I buy when it comes to my sewing or anything else, and when we go out of town (we have too) shopping or for Dr. visits he always asks if I need to stop at Hobby Lobby or other places for my sewing. Sometimes if I complain about something he does that irriates me to DD she says well Mom you've been married to him for over 40 years now, you know how Dad is. Better I still have him around to love and he is beginning to really surprise me with some of the B-Day, Mother's Day, Anniv. & Christmas gifts and sometimes just because gifts he is now coming up with. Worse I could lose him as we aren't spring chicks anymore, and I have no idea what I would do without him, I have 5 or 6 dear friends who are now widows. So I Thank God in my prayers for all of the years He has loaned DH to me and the many many good and very few bad times over these 43 years we have had together. I can truthfully say that we have only had one arguement in all of these years, and it was so long ago I don't really remember what it was even about now, so it had to be very meaningless and I'm sure of no great importance. I often wonder what his feelings are of me with the many things I know I must do that really irritate him, but he never complains, so I guess he is just taking all the Wose and hoping someday it will get Better.

Last edited by Gerbie; 06-09-2013 at 02:26 AM.
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