Old 06-11-2013, 05:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
Charlie you can patch the corner with putty. Use Minwax woodfiller it comes in a can like wax and with an hardner. Drive three for four finishing nails so the stick out to support the putty(like rebar) Make sure they will be hidden by the putty. Tape a fat piece of eood on the bottom of the top to support the putty will setting. Make sure the patch is larger than the top so you can carve the shape of the molding and sand the top even and the bottom. This stuff sands good and carves well. You can also use car bondo. I would the faux grain paint it. Paint the base coat a pale yellow, you will see the yellow in the wood that is good.Take a very dark oil base stain the color of the oak grain. Use a stiff brush to wipe the stain to mimic the grain. You can wipe it off with turps and start over as many times until you like the looks. Let dry overnight and top coat with shellac. This is actually fun to do.
Skip, great information. I have started to pass up treadles because DH is tired of replacing the veneer on them. Well, there is also the issue of space. Knowing a bad corner can be fixed is wonderful.

We just had an estate sale of the house my FIL lived in for 40 years - except the last 4 months that he was in assisted living. Now, I am cleaning out, hauling off, donating tons of stuff of our own because I don't want to do that to our kids! DH and I are burned out on Estate, yard, barn, garage sales right now. I am feeling quilty about all the sewing machines too, but I still want more - go figure! I tell you guys, it really opens your eyes to go through something like this. Dad had probably 100 beautiful clocks. He ended up a clock repair man after he retired as a plane mechanic. We had to sell, give away, get rid of so much stuff. His place was neat too, but after 40 years in the same place you can imagine the accumulation! I keep a very neat place, but we are going through closets, drawers, sheds, attics, cleaning out and clearing out! This really opens your eyes to what you accumulate that you don't need!


Last edited by BoJangles; 06-11-2013 at 05:58 AM.
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