Old 06-11-2013, 07:27 AM
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Lara having 2 silkes was delightful! They lived 16+years and were busy girls. We rescued them when they were 6 yrs old. Kate came from a home where the kids grew up and the mom worked all day. Angel was from a loving home but when the baby arrived he was alergic to dogs. Katie was bossy and Angel was just pure sweetness. I really miss them but my DIL is alergic so it keeps me from getting another. Before Kate and Angel we had Roxy...she was also rescued and she was our most favorite...she lived only 10 years..she was given too large a rabies vac. and she died. We were heartbroken..that is when we got the 2 girls. they raised my precious, Mr. Peach when I found him in the park at about 5 wks old...guess that is why he is so crazy..he isn't sure if he is a dog or what he is..he just knows he HATES other cats!
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