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Old 06-13-2013, 06:10 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 523

Thank you crafterrn1 for the information on how patterns are priced. I have a friend who also developed patterns, and was surprised at how pricey the process is to get them ready to market.

If I see something that I really like that is more pricey than I put it on my wish list. My kids are always looking for ideas for me for gifts. Usually when they ask me, I can't think of anything. Now, I just make a copy of my wish list for them, and we are all happy. Or, when I save money via coupons, etc., I put that money aside, for things I might want that may seem too expensive in my mind to spend on myself.

If you really like it, then if you are financially able, buy it. Make more than one, give as gifts, or make and donate for charitable raffle to help justify the cost.
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