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Old 06-14-2013, 06:48 AM
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There, there, Steph.

Everyone has to "iron out" their habits to begin quilting. It is just a fact of life for all of us. No matter though, because the new habits you are forming will serve to make you happier when sewing any type project in the future.

When I look back on my first quilting projects, I cringe wondering how I even was able to finish them at all. (This was so long ago there wasn't even rotary cutters and very few instructions available to learn!) Cereal boxes were our templates and a number 2 pencil outlined onto the fabric were eyeballed cut out to the quarter inch seam allowance with a large pair of sewing sissors! Oh yes!! That was how it was done.

I think you are so smart to learn new habits. You go girl and happy quilting!
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