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Old 06-23-2013, 05:23 PM
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Location: Rochester, NY
Posts: 157
Default It's Done!!!! (sort of)

Hello Everyone! I'm sorry that it's taken so long, but my PhD research has been eating up a lot of my time the past few months. I didn't forget about the quilt or this thread, it's just that progress was very slow. But today I knuckled down and finished the top! All of it! And I even managed to get a picture of it on our bed. It's very big, but will drape nicely over the sides of our very deep mattress with ease Enjoy! I certainly did! Now I just have to baste, quilt, and bind it, which I suspect might take me a month or so on my current schedule. I can knock the basting out in a weekend, and maybe even start the quilting. We'll see where my free time (if any) is. I'll post the finished product when I'm done!

For now, I'll celebrate a little!
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