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Old 06-29-2013, 01:13 PM
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sorry I haven't been on QB for awhile, just too much to do and no time to do it lately - what I am hoping to have is a magic carpet type quilt, no color schemes, no matchy-matchy, no 'coordinating' - just blocks representing places you've been or want to go to, I sent muslin labels, pens and basting pins so you can write your name and a little bit about each block you do, pin the label to the appropriate block, and send them on. Once I do the layout, I will take your labels and sew them in the same order as the quilt top so I have a history/story board as the label on the back of the quilt.

I had suggested earlier that instead of poor Scrapper having to come up with 10 blocks, that everyone just do 6 blocks (their 5 plus one extra) - that way I would have 24 blocks minimum, but I could think up at least five or six places I want to go before I get too old and crickety to travel to use to enlarge the top if I wanted to - somehow that idea didn't seem to fly. Also, I really was hoping there was someplace that we've all either wanted to visit or have been to, like Ireland or Hawaii, that everyone would make their own block to represent that place, they'd all be different because we're all different, but it would still be something that ties us all together, that makes us Quilting Cousins. Anyway, please don't go all rigid and quilt-police on me, I want fun and fantasy and lots of fabulously unique blocks because we are all fabulously unique!

BTW, I have a cat who is very 'kneady', so embroidery is not a good idea, anything with texture gets her claws moving - was out looking for a new chair today, about the only fabric I can get is microsuede or leather - they're the only things she doesn't try to claw to death!

also, please don't sew your blocks together, I will be playing with the layout and then sashing them together when I find the perfect design. I want to be able to begin playing with them immediately instead of having to break out Jack the SeamRipper to pull the blocks apart. Thanks.

Hugs to everyone

Originally Posted by QuilterMomma View Post
It is my observation, that there are no real predefined colors. We are doing five blocks that depict of where we been that measure the 60"x 12" finsihed row. So I do not believe there is any predetermined defined color scheme. If so, then I may have to throw my ideas out the window and start again. Of where I have been, or dream of going, we are getting all colors involved. Hopefully she will chime in here. Also hoping to hear from Scrapper as well. We are almost done, lets not fall apart now. We are at the end girls. Last leg of the race. We can do it.

Last edited by MdmSew'n'Sew; 06-29-2013 at 01:24 PM.
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