Thread: Wardrobe Quilt
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Old 06-29-2013, 06:59 PM
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 29
Default Clothing quilts

Originally Posted by Sisterhood
My friends father died last week. He had Alzheimer's and she took care of him for 15yrs. She would like to have a quilt made out of his clothing. ( Not his ties ). I have never heard of this, but can see how it would be possible. Any suggestions or advice ?
I made 3 small quilts from a lady's clothing. Stretchy walmart pullovers, denim shirts with embroidery, and lightweight jeans (stretchy)

cut sections from clothing ( bigger than the size square. Use very lightweight stabilizer and iron piece onto stabilizer. Cut your block . I pieced some to make the fabrics go further. I left the collars and buttons on. You can sew them together with or without sashing, but if you use sashing, put stabilizer on it too so all pieces fit right. I quilted manually on my longarm, just outlined all the collars and buttoned fronts. And then freehanded rest of it. Came out very nice! You CAN do it! Keep in mind it will be heavier so make a smallish one if you can........Good luck!!!
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