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Old 07-03-2013, 03:53 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Cadillac, MI
Posts: 6,487

I made the trip to the LQS. Didn't get a belt because I can't get the old one off to use as a measurement. Picked up my pattern - they are 30% off this week. Yeah! Bought a yard of black Kona to start a quilt, then brought home 1 1/2 yards of pink with ice cream cones and popsicles from the clearance room. It didn't go in my stash - I arrived home about 4:00, my oldest daughter arrived at 5:10 and bought it from me to make sundresses for her DGDs, my DGGDs. The LQS closes at 5:00 so she appreciates my picking up sale fabric I know she'd like. I got to pet it - it was a silky one, but don't have to store it. Works for me!

BTW, special fabrics like the reds and comic ones are allowed as long as they are used soon - not stored. Just my opinion. It's the stash building I am trying to curtail.
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