Old 07-12-2013, 01:04 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 183
Default cjaye44 this one's for you! RE: Periwinkle

LOL! I just tried to reply to your PM, but got this message: cjaye44 has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.
I guess you need to clear your messages. Anyway, this message isn't especially personal and might help someone else so I thought I'd just share here what I wrote you since my message won't go through.

Hi Carol,
Sorry to have taken a while getting back to you, I haven't been on the quilting board for a while. I'm sure you've gotten your order by now, but to answer your questions, yes I did have to make adjustments to how I sewed my periwinkle quilt to get it to where the points weren't taken off when sewing the blocks together. Thank you for the compliments!

I don't know if this will make any sense, I just tried a tiral/error sort of thing until I got it to come out how I wanted and then I sewed all the pieces. I actually made my own papers, but I'm pretty sure they're the same size/shape as the papers that come in the MSQCo papers. So, what I actually ended up doing was to put the template cut fabric in the center of my paper, and then sew along that edge with the white on top, I made sure my white was plenty big, and then I took a larger than 1/4" seam allowance. I just left my needle in the center position (I have a viking if that makes any difference), and used my regular sewing foot (not my 1/4" piecing foot) and followed the outer edge for my seam allowance guide. I think this gave me 3/8-1/2" allowance (I didn't measure though). And then when I opened up and pressed my pieces it left 1/4" to use for a seam allowance so my points would show and not be cut off in putting the blocks together. Really it's a pretty simple solution. No extra work, and since I was cutting my pieces to match the paper anyway the blocks don't even turn out any smaller. Really it wasn't a big deal.

Good luck with your template. I really do like using mine!
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