Thread: Wedding Vows
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Old 07-23-2013, 04:00 AM
Retired Fire Chief
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Saginaw Michigan
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I sort of, know how you feel. My husband claimed the bathroom just inside the garage as his right after we built our house. The linen closet in the bathroom is full of his clothes, no room for linens or toilet paper and the shower in the bathroom is his "to wear again" clothes, always a mess of clothes. We have all antiques in our home and the antique coat tree in the bathroom is always so full of clothes it's hard to move when I do floors. We have a huge walk-in closet in the bedroom but he says he doesn't want to walk all the way across the house to get clothes out of that closet, even though he showers in the master bath right by the closet! After 15 years I give up, but I do throw anything he has thrown over the shower curtain in "his" bathroom either on the floor, the pile on the coat tree or on the vanity. Lazy? Yes, a slob, also yes. But I'm sure I do things that drive him nuts. At least he doesn't throw anything in the bedroom. I like the idea of a garbage can in the corner, maybe he will get the hint. Maybe I should try that in the bathroom?
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