Thread: Storing Scraps?
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Old 07-23-2013, 12:14 PM
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Thanks for your examples and suggestions. I thought about the Bonnie Hunter system. But, I really don't want to store that many different sizes I really like the 2 you suggest. And, will probably add in 3 1/2" sq. as well. I am still working on getting my scraps in order. (Probably be a work in progress for awhile. )
Originally Posted by phranny View Post
I understand your frustration because I was there once too! I wanted to make Bonnie Hunter's scrappy trips around the world, and started cutting up pieces of fabrics. The left over fabric I cut into 5 inch squares, as I find this is a size I like to work with. There are many patterns and books that use this size as well, and it is a pretty standard measurement (charm packs are this size). I then cut the remaining fabric into 2 1/2 inch strips, another standard measurement (jelly rolls). With these two sizes I can make numerous quilts and combinations that don't test my quilting skills for now. Someday, I hope to be more skilled, and make more intricate designs, but for now I am content to play away with these sizes.
And all the odd sized scraps go into the scrap box. I found a pattern I liked on-line that would use up my odd shaped scraps, and sewed them randomly onto a muslin foundation. It made a very interesting scrap quilt. Any trimmings go into a pillowcase lined wicker basket and when it's full, I stitch it up and the dog gets a new pillow.
I will try to attach a few pics of what I mean.
The first photo is the scrappy trips quilt, next are the extra charms I cut and can't wait to make something out of them. I also just finished a snowball scrappy, and the next is the scrappy one sewn onto muslin backing. And a closeup of the fabrics, there is everything in that quilt. Both quilts need to be quilted and I just pulled them of the shelf, so pardon the wrinkles.
I hope this gives you an idea of how just one person organizes their scraps. Your system will be different. And, all these tips and ideas I have learned from this quilting board!
Have fun, and don't stress over it! A system will develope for you too.
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