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Old 07-26-2013, 10:48 AM
Scissor Queen
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Originally Posted by nakotha View Post
These days I am busy with cleaning up my sewing room. I bet, here is one or two or more who knows, what it means.

Well, this year my goal is to use more leftovers instead of using always new fabric. It works out ok. To be honest fabric stash isn't the biggest. But while cleaning up now I found out, that I have more leftovers than new fabric. And to me it's a bit scary How good, that at the first of august the dutch fabric market comes to my little town, hehe

So, what about you? How much leftover fabric do you have? Is it more than your unused fabric? Is it balanced? Do you keep every little piece?
It depends entirely on how much of a fabric I started out with. I tend to buy a fair amount when fabric is on sale so I usually have more than a pattern calls for. Then the leftovers move thru various drawers until it gets to the scrap bins. I have drawers for one yard, half yard and fat quarters. When it get smaller than a fat quarter it goes into the scrap bins. I have scraps in the scrap bins from 14 years ago when I first started quilting. I do make scrappy quilts and it makes me happy to be able to add bits from lots of different quilts that I have made.
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