Old 07-29-2013, 11:44 AM
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Mumbai, India
Posts: 4
Default What to do with light, slightly see-through cotton fabric & suggested must-haves

Hello everyone,

I'm a soon to be quilter - that is, I'm gathering the right tools, fabric and basic pattern to get started. Since I'm living in India, it's been a bit more complicated than expected. I'm going back to North America and I plan to order everything I'll need and bring it back with me.

I have two questions for you:

1) I bought light cotton fabric, figuring (aka hoping) that I could somehow line it. It's a bit too transparent and I don't think it'll turn out nicely once it's assembled with the rest of the project. Can I line it with something? I thought there might be a brand or type of very light fusible material just for that. Do you have suggestions?

2) Here's my list, off the top of my head:
  • cutting mat
  • cutter
  • 6x24 non-slip ruler
  • cotton and polyester thread (the debate doesn't seem settled yet, so I was going to try both. Opting for Gutterman)
  • Stiffener or starch
  • a small roll of heat n' bond fusible or some kind of fusible to have fun with
  • shout colour catcher
  • quarter inch foot
  • batting (trying two brands, and buying king sizes so I can cut them up and use them in many small projects)

I have a sewing machine, good pair of scissors, basic pins and iron already. I was going to use my standard needles and small metal pins... There are plenty of interesting fabrics in India!

I look forward to your suggestion, as this is my only trip this year and I would rather be over-prepared than have to wait until next summer...

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