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Old 08-05-2013, 05:23 AM
Groovy Pieces
Junior Member
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Join Date: May 2013
Location: Scrap Bag, NC
Posts: 160

Hello All. . . . Please forgive the intrusion, but I have a few questions unrelated to stabilizers. I was trying to find the correct place to post my questions, but couldn't find my way back to the original "thread".

(1) What are "o e s d" designs?

(2) Who is Anita Goodesign & are these designs/downloads safe? They seem quite cheap compared to some of the other places on the web. There are collections for $39, whereas other sites may have the same or similar collections for $59.

(3) And here's the $64,000 question: What's the best way to organize downloads from the web? The machine came with a usb stick, which probably contains some storage gigs. It seems the more I read, the more confused I get. Reading this thread, there's a QB member who commented (forgive the paraphrase) that her designs are stored everywhere & that if she knew then what she knows now, her "filing" system would be totally different & much more organized.

I just want to start out my new adventure right by learning from my QB sisters. . . Thanks in advance for your most valued wisdom . . . GP
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