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Old 08-11-2013, 05:27 PM
Ramona Byrd
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merced, CA
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Originally Posted by hybearn8er View Post
Check to see if your mil has a hearing aid option with her medicare as I pay a litte extra and it covered most of my cost. I went to an audiologist for mine thru kaiser.
Visited TX last year for GD's college graduation. One daughter surprised me and took me to
Walmart there in Denton I think, and bought me a hearing aid over the counter for about $400.oo
and it works nicely. I'd complained that my cat had been stealing and hiding my hearing aids, so
she gave me a spare, which works nicely. They have left and right sides...I got the right side since
it's the weaker one...I find my old ones every now and then and now have a small wooden box
to keep them watches me but can't get the box open!!!
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