Thread: Singer 215G
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Old 08-16-2013, 01:51 PM
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Default Singer 215G

Hey, all. I know I haven't been around lately (life is what happens when you're making plans), but I may, hopefully, have more time for sewing and machines for the next little while.

In the meantime, can anyone give me the lowdown on a Singer 215G? According to Madame Google (knows all, tells all, doesn't guarantee it to be accurate), it appears to be a straight stitch only, and something of a weird hybrid between a 15 and a 201. Beyond that, all I'm finding is a lot of eBay-style hot air about how rare and collectible it is.

I know the motor is likely to be wired for European current. (If it's got one. From some of the pictures I'm seeing, it might also be a treadle. I'm waiting to hear back from the seller now.) I can't tell if it's going to have a 15 bobbin (like 15), or a 66 (like a 201). Does anyone know?

I've never heard of this one before, let alone seen one-I'm intrigued! Anything you can tell me about it, I'd love to know.
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