Old 08-16-2013, 09:08 PM
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Originally Posted by DogHouseMom View Post
Me too! That "line number" was totally not necessary.

I've started one block. I've been placing two pieces each night (on all 6 parts of the block - so 12 pieces of fabric each night). Nothing done tonight (it was too pretty outside so I played in the garden), but it's the weekend!! I'd like to finish this block this weekend, should be able to. It will give me a chance to see how my colors play together and if I don't like it ... back to the drawing board.
That was my idea too DogHouseMom - I wanted to see how the fabrics played together in a block. I started over late this afternoon, but have not gotten too far. I found that one of the pieces I thought was long enough was not, so will have to recut that piece (same one I found was wrong with the first one)!

​Jan, I thought the pattern was a little confusing too! Glad it was not only me.
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