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Old 08-20-2013, 08:32 PM
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Originally Posted by coopah View Post
But wait! There's more!! I just have to say...didn't you already have a prior commitment on that day and at that time? No? Well, think one up fast that will be enjoyable and then go on that day and have FUN! Spend the $ on yourself without regret! Gee, you really will be sorry to miss such a wonderful event. And no explanation other than you already had plans. (Send a card. No $ for these two money grubbers!)
You stated just what I was thinking and intended to say. Make plans for you and DH to have a fun day and dinner date on that day, and send a congratulatory card and state that you have a prior comittment. No other explanation is necessary. If it were me I would not go to an event if I did not know the family especially the Bride and groom well. I personally WOULD NOT GIVE money to someone who specifically ask for it such as in this case.
If the mother stated that the reception is going to cost thousands of dollars and the bride's parents are planning to spend that much on the event, just think how far that would go towards a new house. In my thinking if parents can afford this for a reception, then the parents can help the couple buy the new home.
I just can not get into this idea that "because it's me you need to fill my hand with your hard earned cash attitude". If money were not ask for on the invitation and you wanted to give cash that's another story.
Sorry I just do not think or like how some of this younger generation does things. Too many expect right away to have what most of the older generation or their parents worked hard for over a long number of years to obtain. Those 'silver platters" so to speak are hard to come by and take years of saving and doing without. Our younger generation needs to learn this. Too many have never been told no, or had to work for what they have. O.K. someone else can get on a soap box now!

Last edited by Gerbie; 08-20-2013 at 08:37 PM.
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