Old 08-27-2013, 02:02 PM
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Today's Terrific Tuesday has some more tips to help in our quest to lose weight. Today the headline is Moderation In All Things (we've heard that before, I know), but here goes again. Besides filling up on complex carbohydrates, it's important to make low-fat choices. Foods high in fat, such as nuts or avocados, should be eaten only occasionally; eat high-fat snack foods only rarely. Keep in mind that you need some fat each day and not all fats are bad. Without essential fatty acids (which cannot be made inside the body), skin may become dry, cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood may skyrocket and blood pressure may rise. Fat in the diet is also the only way we get the essential fat soluble vitamins A, E, and K. The body cannot make these vitamins, so they must come from the diet.
The minimum amount of fat recommended in the diet is 10 - 15% of calories. A diet that contains 15% fat is easier to prepare and easier to maintain over the long run - you're more likely to adopt such a diet as a lifestyle change and not consider it a 'diet'.
Simple ways to cut the fat (and still maintain good foods daily)
Make the move to skim milk.
Build your meals around whole grains, beans and vegetables.
Substitute plain, nonfat yogurt for sour cream
Use evaporated skim milk instead of cream in recipes
Use the 'napkin test' on baked goods. Lay the item on a napkin; if you see a great stain, the item is loaded with fat. Croissants are notoriously high in fat as are most muffins, biscuits, doughnuts and pastries.
Off my soap box. More later.....
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