Old 09-01-2013, 06:48 AM
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Default Another Woman's Treasure Swap v2.0! Sign up through Sept 30th!

Another Woman's Treasure Swap!

We all have that pile of fabric that we're not going to do anything with. Like they say, one woman's trash is another woman's treasure!! Why not send it on to someone else, and freshen your stash? This is our second swap, and let the fun begin!

This is a fabric swap for medium flat rate boxes (MFRB) chock full of goodies! Fabric should be 100% cotton used for quilting. If you have books, buttons, thread, notions, or other goodies, those are fair game too, but the bulk of the box should be fabric. Remember, these are things you're ready to part with and get something awesome in return! Yardage, scraps, charms, jelly rolls, FQ, F8, etc!

Medium flat rate boxes ship for about $12, and you can fit a LOT of fabric in them. And remember, as long as you can shut it, it ships! Stuff that baby full!

Swap rules:

Any number is welcome. If we only get a few takers, we'll still do the swap!

You will receive one medium flat rate box for every one MFRB you send out. Partners will be chosen randomly by yours truly. You will be sending your box to the same person who will be receiving yours. Please stuff your box FULL! We want only happy swappers!

There are two different types of medium flat rate boxes- a smaller one that opens at the top, and a larger one that opens at one end. You can use whichever MFRB you can find, but know that if you send the larger one, you may receive a smaller one. (The size difference is neglible, really.)

As always, please only send out the same quality you would want to receive.

Please take a picture of the contents of the box you send out in case your partner cannot post pictures. And please post pictures of your box so we can all lust over the new additions to your stash!

This swap has been approved by PatriceJ.

Please notify frenchfryqueen as soon as possible if you feel you cannot complete your obligation. Please don’t sign up if you don’t think you can send out a medium flat rate box in the time allotted. If problems arise, COMMUNICATION IS KEY!! Unfortunately, anyone who did not fulfill their obligations in any of my previous swaps is not eligible to play.

****Please make sure to read the general rules that apply to all swaps here at the Quilting Board: http://www.quiltingboard.com/t-20154-1.htm ****

Participants should send frenchfryqueen a PM to provide tracking info and verify their box has been sent.

Participants are required to ensure packages will not arrive “postage due.”

Any and all other fees, such as import duties, taxes, etc imposed by the recipient’s government are the sole responsibility of the recipient.

Absent legitimate and reported mitigating circumstances, participants who have not fulfilled their obligation to ship by October 31st shall be deemed “late” and risk receiving Negative [Swap] Feedback.

Please keep in touch with frenchfryqueen as required. Please let her know right away if something happens that will interfere with your ability to complete your project on time.

You are participating at your own risk-- please do not publicly complain about the quality of your received box. If you have a legitimate complaint, please PM me. Communication is key!

Please PM FRENCHFRYQUEEN with the following information by September 30th. She will then match up names and get them returned to you by October 5th. You will have until October 31st to mail your box. You must provide tracking information to me with a note that your box has been sent.

Board Name:
Real Name:
Phone #: (this will NOT be given to your partner, this is for my use only in the event that a problem should arise)
Do you have any allergies:
Do you have any allergens (cats, dogs, smoker):
Can you ship internationally?
Do you have the ability to post pictures?

Any preferences (colors, themes, etc) can be discussed on the board or with your partner, but remember not everyone has the means to fulfill all requests.

Everyone jump in!!
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